Below is a list of introductory resources that will
serve as a great starting point for anyone new to the field. There are currently
39 introductory resources in the library.
Articles and Papers
ユニバーサロンレポート: アクセシビリティやユーザビリティ満たす情報の枠組み (10/3/2003)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 2003年10月2日に行われたソシオメディア主催のフォーラム「成功するウェブサイトの情報整理術-インフォメーション・アーキテクチャの視点」の紹介および同フォーラムのために初来日したルイス・ローゼンフェルド氏への動画インタビュー。
John Shiple (11/9/1998)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 情報アーキテクチャの入門講座。5日間で、それぞれサイトの目標設定、オーディエンス分析/競合分析、コンテンツと機能、サイトストラクチャ、そしてビジュアルデザインについて学ぶ。
Becoming an Information Architectby
Sacha Cohen (1999)
Information Architecture - Job SkillsLanguage: English
Abstract: An interview with Mattie Langenberg, principal of the Chicago-based Schema Studios, and Creative Director Michael Brooks about the field of information architecture and what it takes to succeed as an information architect.
How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Webby
William Denton (11/2003)
Faceted ClassificationLanguage: English
Abstract: Describes when to use faceted classification on web
sites and provides instruction for creating a faceted
classification system.
Jesse James Garrett (2002)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 2001年のIAサミットを境にIAの理論と実践についてIAコミュニティでかつてない議論が起こりました。この6つの章からなるエッセイは、IAの今までとそしてこれからどこへ向かっていくべきなのか論争に終止符を打つべくJJGが書き上げた渾身のエッセイです。
Information Architecture Glossaryby
Kat Hagedorn (2000)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: English
Abstract: This glossary is intended to foster development of a shared vocabulary within the new and rapidly evolving field of information architecture. It should serve as a valuable reference for anyone involved with or interested in the design of information architectures for web sites, intranets and other information systems.
Information Architecture Tutorialby
John Shiple (11/9/1998)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: English
Abstract: This article is an introduction to the field of information architecture. Five lessons are given in goal definition, audiences and competitors, site content, site structure, and visual design.
Interview with Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvilleby
Scott Hill (2000)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: English
Abstract: An O'Reilly interview with Peter Morville and Lou Rosenfeld about their book, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, their work, and the field of information architecture.
Introducción a la Arquitectura de Informaciónby
Javier Velasco (2001)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Español
Abstract: Una introducción a la profesión, escrita por el Arquitecto de Información chileno Javier Velasco.
La arquitectura de la información del siglo XX al XXIby
Jesús Bustamante (12/18/2002)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Español
Abstract: Resumen de la historia reciente de la Arquitectura de Información, comenzando en la decada de 1970.
Per un accesso multidimensionale all'informazione. O della classificazione a faccetteby
Luca Rosati (8/1/2003)
Faceted Browsing,
Faceted Classification,
FindabilityLanguage: Italiano
Abstract: L'articolo fornisce una introduzione al concetto di "classificazione a faccette", descrivendo: i suoi vantaggi rispetto ai sistemi di classificazione gerarchici; esempi di applicazione al web; un esempio di applicazione alla classificazione dei formaggi.
Site Navigation: A Few Helpful Definitionsby
Indi Young (2002)
NavigationLanguage: English
Abstract: Provides some basic definitions surrounding site navigation that will help your team with building a shared vocabulary for more effective collaboration.
User-centred redesign of the FaCS intranetby
Donna Maurer (6/2004)
Case Studies,
Intranets & ExtranetsLanguage: English
Abstract: The Department of Family and Community Services applied user-centred techniques in the redevelopment of their large Government intranet, and it serves as a useful model for other organisations looking to tackle the same issues.
What is an Information Architect?by
Stephen Downes (1999)
Information Architecture - General,
Information Architecture - Job SkillsLanguage: English
Abstract: Examines the role of the information architect and provides a broad definition.
Blogs, Columns and Journals
Kimio Hayashi (2004)
Controlled Vocabularies,
Information Organization,
MetadataLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: フランスで言語学博士課程の林公生がテクニカルコミュニケーションの視点から「フランス」と「情報を伝えるための方法論」を身近な口調で紹介するコラム。
Naomi Sato (2002)
Faceted Classification,
Web DevelopmentLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 佐藤直美によるWeb情報設計についてのウェブログ。毎回鋭い視点で軽快にかつさわやかにファセット分類法から映画にダイエットと幅広くアットランダムに語られる。
ウェブ・ユーザビリティ ルールブック Web Usability in Japanby
Toshikazu Shinohara,
Yukiko Takei (2001)
NavigationLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: ビービットによるWebユーザビリティとサイト設計についての入門書。本書は日本語サイトを事例に、ナビゲーションや基本インターフェース、ページデザインなど、サイト設計時に考慮すべき基本事項を初心者向けに丁寧に解説している。
Eric Reiss,
Toshikazu Shinohara (2002)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: サイト構築のプロセスをインフォメーションアーキテクトの実践的なアプローチを手本に紹介。サイトの目的設定からコンテンツ整理、カテゴライズ方法、機能要件の決定方法やユーザビリティの検証方法など。
情報デザイン - 分りやすさの設計Subject:
Information Design,
Interface DesignLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 情報デザインアソシエイツ(IID.j)編集による「分りやすさ」「伝えやすさ」とは何か、情報デザインの歴史や最新の研究成果、理論、思想などを情報化社会の中での「情報デザイン」の考え方として提示。巻末の「情報デザインを知るためのキーワード」と「参考文献」が非常に役立つ。日本語版のみであるが海外からも絶賛される1冊。
Diseño Digitalby
Javier RoyoSubject:
Information Architecture - General,
User Centered Design,
Web DesignLanguage: Español
Abstract: En el presente libro se explican de forma sencilla y clara los conceptos fundamentales para entender y aprender todo lo relativo al diseño digital. Se habla de cómo ha evolucionado el lenguaje del diseño con la aparición y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías (Internet, telefonía, móvil, redes, televisión digital...) Se realiza un recorrido por la historia del diseño de la interfaz gráfica de usuario y de los sistemas de comunicación utilizados en la misma. Se analizan de forma profunda las relaciones entre las computadoras y el ser humano (usabilidad) y se establecen las pautas para la creación gráfica y el diseño en Internet de los sistemas de iconos, la tipografía, el color o las estructuras de información (mapas).
Information Architectureby
Laura Caprio,
Beatrice Ghiglione (2003)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Italiano
Abstract: Partendo dalle origini e dalle definizioni della disciplina, il libro propone un modello di progettazione dell'architettura informativa, le attività di cui si compone, le tecniche su cui si fonda e i consigli su come utilizzarle.
Le attività di progettazione, suddivise in tre fasi sequenziali, vengono presentate in maniera dettagliata, dando particolare rilevanza alla descrizione dell'attività, agli obiettivi ad essa legati, ai dati d'indagine (input), alle tecniche per condurre l'attività e ai risultati anche parziali (output) che vengono prodotti e danno forma al progetto.
Information Architecture for the World Wide Webby
Peter Morville,
Lou Rosenfeld (2002)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: English
Abstract: This book introduces the user to the emerging field of information architecture. It teaches how to design web sites and intranets that support growth, management and ease of use.
Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Webby
Christina Wodtke (2002)
Information Architecture - General,
Process & Techniques,
User Centered DesignLanguage: English
Abstract: This book introduces the core concepts of information architecture: organizing web site content for findability, designing pleasant web site interactions, and creating an easy to use interface. This book aims to teach the information architecture skills necessary to avoid making costly mistakes. It is intended for everyone that works with information architecture including designers, programmers, and project managers.
La classificazione a faccette: guida per la costruzione e l'utilizzazione di schemi specialiby
Brian Vickery (1972)
Classification Systems,
Faceted Classification,
IndexingLanguage: Italiano
Abstract: Traduzione italiana del testo di Vickery "Faceted Classification: a guide to construction and use of special schemes", London, ASLIB, 1960. Vickery è uno dei membri più autorevoli del CRG (Classification Research Group), che negli anni '60 riprese e affinò la teoria delle faccette elaborata da Ranganathan. Questo libro resta ancora oggi uno dei riferimenti fondamentali sulla classificazione a faccette.
La Experiencia del Usuarioby
Alberto Knapp,
Luis Montero,
Felipe RomeroSubject:
User Centered DesignLanguage: Español
Abstract: Las formas de uso y comprensión de las nuevas tecnologías determinan su desarrollo, éxito o fracaso futuros. Comprender cómo se usan, entienden e integran los dispositivos, contenidos, servicios y herramientas basados en las nuevas tecnologías en la vida del consumidor permitirá entender hacia dónde vamos.
The Elements of User Experienceby
Jesse James Garrett (2002)
Information Architecture - General,
User Centered Design,
Visual DesignLanguage: English
Abstract: The Elements of User Experience cuts through the complexity of user-centered design for the Web with clear explanations and vivid illustrations that focus on ideas rather than tools or techniques. Jesse James Garrett gives readers the big picture of Web user experience development, from strategy and requirements to information architecture and visual design. This accessible introduction helps any Web development team, large or small, to create a successful user experience.
Peter Morville,
Lou Rosenfeld,
Toshikazu Shinohara (2003)
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 複雑で大規模になりがちな今日のWebサイト構築には、ユーザーにとって使いやすく設計するための論理的なノウハウが必要です。それらを情報整理や分類学、ユーザー調査、さらにはエンタープライズレベルの組織改造までと幅広い視点からWebサイトを情報提供ツールとするための論理的な方法論として紹介。人気があった『情報アーキテクチャ入門』の第2版。
Organizations, Conferences and Mailing Lists
Discussion Lists,
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: インフォメーションアーキテクトとは何か、セミナーやMLを通して模索するIAAJ (Information Archiect Association Japan)主催のメーリングリスト。
Isko Italia (2003)
Information OrganizationLanguage: Italiano
Abstract: L'International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) è un'associazione internazionale che si propone di studiare aspetti teorici, metodologici e sperimentali dell'organizzazione delle conoscenze, facendone una vera e propria scienza. Dall'analisi dei diversi approcci semantici all'informazione (classificazioni, ontologie, tesauri...) vengono sviluppati principi e modelli, applicabili a contesti diversi quali basi di dati, biblioteche, dizionari, Internet, ecc.
PowerPoint Introduction to Visual Vocabulary by
Jesse James Garrett (3/16/2002)
Information Architecture - Theory,
Process & TechniquesLanguage: English
Abstract: This PowerPoint presentation provides a high-level overview of visual vocabularies and their use.
Note: This links to a Microsoft PowerPoint document.
The Information Architecture of Everyday Things by
Jesse James Garrett (3/17/2002)
Information Architecture - Theory,
Information ScienceLanguage: English
Abstract: A PowerPoint presentation on information architecture and information science as it relates to everyday things and the world around us.
Note: This links to a Microsoft PowerPoint document.
Web Sites and Resources
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: ミツエーリンクによるWebサイト構築における情報アーキテクチャ分野の関連用語集。
A Visual Vocabulary for Describing Information Architecture and Interaction Designby
Jesse James Garrett (2002)
Process & TechniquesLanguage: English
Abstract: This document discusses the considerations in development of such diagrams, outlines a basic symbology for diagramming information architecture and interaction design concepts, and provides guidelines for the use of these elements.
Classic IA Tools by
Dan WillisSubject:
Card Sorting,
Site BlueprintsLanguage: English
Abstract: Illustrations are used in presenting classic IA tools such as sitepath diagramming, topic mapping, free listing, card sorting, and personas.
Note: This links to a PDF document.
FQSラボラトリ Information Architecture (2003)
Information Architecture - TheoryLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: Webサイト構築において情報アーキテクチャ分野で考慮すべき4つの項目(前提条件、構造化、デザイン、コンテンツ)についてミツエリンクの制作ノウハウからの独自定義を紹介。
IBM 使いやすさ (Ease of Use) Web designSubject:
Guides & Collections,
User Centered Design,
Web DesignLanguage: Japanese
Abstract: 初心者および中級者レベルのWebサイト設計者向けにIBMの研究グループが策定した使いやすいインターフェースとWebサイト設計のためのガイドライン。
IBM Ease of Use Web design guidelinesSubject:
Guides & Collections,
User Centered Design,
Web DesignLanguage: English
Abstract: The IBM Ease of Use Group's guidelines for following a user-centered design process and creating easy-to-use Web interfaces. The information is valuable for a range of designers from novices to the more experienced and covers such topics as planning, design, production, and maintenance.
The Elements of User Experience by
Jesse James GarrettSubject:
Experience DesignLanguage: English
Abstract: This one-page PDF attempts to impose order upon the chaotic array of terms and concepts currently being used to describe user experience development.
Note: This links to a PDF document.
What an Information Architect Does by
Jesse James GarrettSubject:
Information Architecture - GeneralLanguage: English
Abstract: This PDF document summarizes the results of a comparative analysis of IA job descriptions conducted in July 2000.
Note: This links to a PDF document.