Welcome to the IA Library. The IA Library is a selection of resources related to the field of information architecture. The collection includes articles, books, blogs, and more.
A select list of introductory resources that serve as a great starting point for anyone new to the field.
A list of the 10 most recently added resources to the library.
Accessibility (10)
Architecture - Buildings (3)
Branding (1)
Business Context (3)
Business Strategy (3)
Case Studies (4)
Classics (1)
Classification (33)
More subjects...
Resource Types
Articles and Papers (97)
Blogs, Columns and Journals (24)
Books (46)
Organizations, Conferences and Mailing Lists (23)
Presentations (8)
Web Sites and Resources (36)
We are actively adding new resources, particularly in languages other than English, to create a more well-rounded collection. If you know of a resource we should include, please send your suggestion to ialibrary@aifia.org.