
Anyone wishing to learn the craft of information architecture is encouraged to pursue a variety of educational possibilities, including books, internships, practice, online communities, and formal study. Studies of human-computer interaction, library & information science, knowledge management, and social informatics are also relevent to IA training. The IA Library provides pointers to some of the best articles, books, blogs, and web sites on the subject.

Even though information architecture is a young field, Universities have initiated degree programs and classes on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Also, AIfIA plans to create a recommended curriculum for IA courses and programs.

To learn more, read Educating Information Architects (pdf) from Earl Morrogh's new book, Information Architecture: An Emerging 21st Century Profession, get involved with AIfIA's Educational Curriculum initiative or join the IA Education mailing list.

“If we cannot survive all the information that we're going to develop, we're in real trouble. Because no one is going to stop writing books. No one is going to stop creating information.”

— Brian Lamb, founder, chairman, sometimes anchor of C-Span