The AIfIA Job Board serves as a clearinghouse for position postings relating to information architecture and more broadly to information design, interaction design, and HCI.
The Job Board is a service for AIfIA members. AIfIA is the only professional organization solely dedicated to information architecture professionals and our membership serves as a qualified pool of candidates in this emerging field.
Employers: Submit a Position | AIfIA Members: Sign up for the mailing list
Submitting a Job Description:
Employers (and others) may submit relevant job descriptions at no charge.
Position descriptions may be submitted via the webform (submission guidelines below) or by sending relevant information via email.
Job Board listings are sent to AIfIA members in email newsletter format
approximately twice a month.
Before you submit your job description, please make sure that your listing will be of interest to AIfIA members. Please read the list of relevant positions below to get a sense of the sorts of positions that are appropriate to post on the AIfIA Job Board. Contact the job board coordinator at
if you are unsure as to whether your job position will be relevant.
*Relevant position titles for the AIfIA Job Board include, but are not limited to:
- Information Architect
- User Experience Designer/Expert
- User Experience Manager/Director
- Interaction Designer
- Human Factors Engineer/Manager
- Usability Engineer/Manager
- Usability Specialist
- User Interface Designer
Submitting Job Descriptions via the webform:
Please submit your job description with the following information:
(* indicates required information)
- *Company Name: Please indicate if you are a recruiter and cannot reveal the name of the company by entering "Recruiter" and/or an explanation.
- Company URL.
- *Job Location.
- *Job Title.
- Job Type (permanent, temporary, contract, internship).
- Please indicate if position is Full-time or Part time.
- *Job Description: please be as specific as possible.
- Job Qualifications: list job experience, educational background, and job skills that are required and/or desired to qualify for the position.
- *Contact Information: Please include contact information specific to this position.
- Application information: Please indicate where and how to apply, if different from contact information.
Submitting Job Descriptions via email:
- Please send job descriptions to
- We require that your listing be submitted via email in plain text format. The AIfIA Job Board staff cannot read attached files unless you save them as plain text. Please make sure to wrap lines at 72 columns or less. Improperly formatted listings will be returned to you for reformatting.
- Please indicate whom we may contact in the event the Job Board staff has questions regarding your job posting. Include an email address and phone number of the contact person.
- Your posting will be most useful if you include the following information in your email:
- Company Name: please indicate if you are a recruiter and cannot reveal the name of the company by entering "Recruiter" and/or an explanation.
- Company URL.
- Job Location.
- Job Title.
- Job Type (permanent, temporary, contract, internship).
- Please indicate if position is Full-time or Part time.
- Job Description: please be as specific as possible.
- Job Qualifications: list job experience, educational background, and job skills that are required and/or desired to qualify for the position.
- Contact Information: Please include contact information specific to this position.
- Application information: Please indicate where and how to apply, if different from contact information.
- You will receive a confirmation email from us once the job listing is ready to be published.