(Fields indicated in *bold are required) Indicate general position type: Information Architect User Experience Designer/Expert User Experience Manager/Director Interaction Designer Human Factors Engineer/Manager Usability Engineer/Manager Usability Specialist User Interface Designer Other 1) *Your email address: 2) *Company Name: Please indicate if you are a recruiter and cannot reveal the name of the company by entering "Recruiter" and/or an explanation. 3) Company URL: 4) *Job Location: 5) *Job Title: 6) Job Type: (permanent, temporary, contract, internship, or other?) 7) Please indicate if position is Full-time or Part time: Full time Part time Comments? 8) *Job Description: Please be as specific as possible. 9) Job Qualifications: List job experience, educational background, and job skills that are required and/or desired to qualify for the position. 10) *Contact Information: Please include contact information specific to this position. 11) Application information: Please indicate where and how to apply, if different from contact information.