Survey, January 2003
The decisions we make today are influenced by our implicit assumptions about tomorrow. During these turbulent times, all of us can benefit by asking the difficult questions and sharing insights. This survey is part of an effort to identify important trends and possible futures for information architecture. Results will be analyzed during the upcoming Leadership Seminar.
1. What has been the single most important development in the practice of information architecture in the last 5 years?
2. What frustrates you most about the practice of information architecture today?
3. What will cause the greatest changes in the practice of information architecture over the next 5 years?
Survey Notes
This survey was conducted January 14-15, 2003. Members of sigia and aifia were invited to participate. A total of 60 responses were collected. Please direct any questions to Peter Morville.
See Also
A second follow-up survey was conducted in late January 2003. Results are available in PDF and Excel formats.